Early History
The Borough of Island Heights is a unique archaeological site being the second highest point, of land on the entire Atlantic seaboard south of the Highlands which is located opposite Sandy Hook in Monmouth County. The bluffs which are formed on the south side of the Island were frequented by the Lenni Lenape Indians who are known to have frequented Island Heights and to have lived in caves on the south side of the Island. Numerous remnants of Indian habitation have been found on the Island including arrow heads, shell mounds and other artifacts.
The first recorded European to own the island area was Dr. Johnson who received the island as part of a patent grant given to him on June 24th, 1690. The area was known as Dr. Johnson’s Island until approximately 1745 when it was renamed Toms River Island.
In the 1700’s James Dillon possessed the area but was forced to flee to Canada during the Revolutionary War since he was a Royalist. Another member of the Dillon family took over ownership of the island. On the East end of the island is a home built in pre-revolutionary times called “The Dillon House”. Dillon’s Creek which extends through the North central portion of the Borough is also named after the Dillon family. The island was also commonly referred to as Dillon’s Island.
The island was sold and resold through the years but remained in a natural state through the mid-1800’s.
Island Heights Association
In 1877, Reverend Jacob B. Graw, then President Elder of the New Brunswick District (Methodist Church), was impressed with the idea that the Toms River Island would be an ideal location for a camp meeting and summer resort. In conjunction with twenty-five (25) or thirty (30) other persons, Reverend Graw formed the Island Heights Association which was incorporated on July 1st, 1878. The Association purchased one hundred and seventy-two (172) acres of land and ten (10) acres were cleared for a campground, a pavilion, thirty (30) camp meeting cottages and a wharf for transporting persons to and from the island.
On August 20th, 1878, one hundred (100) lots were sold producing $10,000.00 in revenue, all of which were utilized for improvements of the campground itself.
In founding Island Heights, Reverend Graw intended to establish a Christian family resort under temperance influences, and as a result the Association included in every deed of sale a clause prohibiting the use of liquor. Many of the deeds in Island Heights today contain this restriction.
An early permanent house on the island was built in 1879 by Reverend Samuel Van Sant. Other buildings were also erected in conjunction with the camp meeting ground and in 1882 the cornerstone of the First Methodist Church was laid. One of the early problems confronting the Island Heights Association was transportation to and from the island and also provision of food. While a hotel was erected, Island House, it was not able to serve the public for some time due to the difficulty of obtaining food stuffs. Access to and from the Island was restricted to boats along the Toms River and all freight shipped to and from the island was transported in scows on the river. The first general store which was constructed is located on the corner of Central and Ocean Avenues and the building is now occupied as a residence.
In 1883 the Pennsylvania Railroad built a branch to Island Heights from their main line from Camden to Seaside Park and in 1888 the Island Heights Hotel Association was incorporated to construct guest facilities.
In keeping with the original intent of the founding fathers, Sunday sailing and bathing were prohibited and vehicles of any type were denied access to the community by gates which were locked from midnight Saturday to Monday morning. Deliveries were halted and no Sunday papers were distributed. Even trains were not permitted on the Sabbath in Island Heights.
Island Heights Borough
The Island Heights Post Office was founded in 1887, the first Island Heights School District was formed on March 4th, 1889, the Island Heights Yacht Club was formed in 1898 and was incorporated on April 7th, 1900. Riparian rights were purchased at the foot of Oak Avenue for $100.00 and the Yacht Club and a clubhouse was constructed that year.
The Island Heights Volunteer Fire Company was formed on February 14th, 1895. The original fire house was a car garage on Jaynes Avenue and in 1923 the Fire Company moved to a new house on the corner of Van Sant Avenue and Simpson Avenue. That building served as the Fire Company until the present fire house was completed in 1963, located at the corner of Lake and Maple Avenues.
In 1902 John Wanamaker of Philadelphia constructed a vacation spot for his “Wanamaker Cadets” who were cash boys and girls employed in Wanamaker department stores in New York City and Philadelphia. The Wanamaker Complex was used during World War II by the army and in 1949 the camp was purchased by the Presbyterian Church and operated as a summer camp. The Church built nine (9) sleeping cabins, a chapel and recreation hail, an infirmary, a shower building and maintenance shop and garage. The Borough subsequently purchased the property in 1975 and converted the recreation hall into the Borough Meeting Hall, the infirmary was converted into the Municipal Clerk and Tax Collector’s Office, the chapel was modified to house the Post Office and the sleeping cabins have been relocated through the town with one of them now serving as the headquarters for the Borough Police Department. The campgrounds are also used as a recreation site,
The Island Heights Library was formed in 1907 as the Island Heights Improvement Society which changed to the Community Center and Library. In 1956 the corporation was dissolved and the library was taken over as a municipal function. In January, 1978, the Island Heights Library joined the Ocean County Library System.
The Island Heights First Aid Squad was incorporated on November 22, 1949. In 1957 the Ocean Arts and Crafts Club was formed by Mrs. Edna Thompson Feerick and in 1960 was changed to the Ocean County Artist Guild which was incorporated as a non-profit organization. The Headquarters of the Guild is located on the corner of Ocean and Chestnut Avenues in a Victorian home which was deeded to the Guild in 1974 by Mrs. Edith M. Grace. In 1960 the Ocean County String Band was founded in Island Heights, and the Band leased the former Borough Hall at the intersection of Van Sant and Simpson Avenues.
Saint Gertrude’s Roman Catholic Church was established as a mission by Saint Joseph’s in Toms River in 1908.
For additional historical information click on the Island Heights Historical Site Project link.