Tax Collection
Tax Collector: Jeanette Larrison
PO Box 797
Island Heights, NJ 08732-0797
Physical Address:1 Wanamaker Municipal Complex, Island Heights, NJ 08732
Office Hours:Monday – Friday 9am-3pm, Monday Evenings 6pm-8pm
Tax Bills are due February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.
- Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmarks. Therefore, taxes must be received in this office on or before the 10th. However if the 10th falls on a weekend or a legal Holiday, you will have the next business day to make a payment. Payments received after the grace period will be assessed 8% interest per annum on the first $1,500 of delinquency and 18% per annum on all balances over $1,500.
- If you pay your taxes through your mortgage company, the statement will say “This is not a bill, for advice only”. If you receive an “advice only” statement, but do not have a mortgage company, please use this statement to pay your taxes.
- When selling your property, this bill must be handed over to the new owner at the time of closing.
- Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying your taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes.
You can make payments:
Online: You can now use the following link located to the right to make payments online for Tax payments. You can also view past payments or upcoming amounts due.
By Check: Payments can be accepted in person or by mail. Checks should be made payable to Borough of Island Heights. There is a drop box located next to the main doors of Borough Hall where payments can be put in before or after business hours.
Remember to:
Put your account number or Block/Lot on the check.
Include the Tax stub you are paying.
Include a self-addressed envelope for any information you require returned. i.e.: receipt of payment.
If you are paying through your bank online, include your Block/Lot/Qual number and allow enough time for your bank to send the check to our office.
An annual $250 deduction for those 65 or older or permanently and totally disabled or qualifies as a surviving spouse of a senior citizen or disabled person with incomes less than $10,000 per year, excluding Social Security payments and other permitted exclusions. Applicants must own and reside in the home on which the deduction is claimed.
This link for Senior Property Tax Deduction will take you to the Senior Application Form and Supplemental Income Form which must be completed and returned to the Tax Office along with a copy of photo I.D.
An annual deduction of $250 from property taxes is available to qualified veterans or un-remarried widow of veterans. Claimant must be a New Jersey citizen prior to October 1st of pretax year. Veterans, who were honorably discharged and actively served during the wars listed on the form may apply for a deduction. Dates of induction/service apply.
This link Veteran Property Tax Deduction will take you to the Veterans’ Deduction form which must be completed and returned to the Tax Office along with a copy of photo I.D. and a copy of DD214 or other similar discharge papers.
NEW JERSEY PROPERTY TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS Visit The New Jersey Tax Relief Program Page
The State of New Jersey provides information regarding the following programs at their website (link above)
- Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze)
To check status of a filed application: 1(800)882-6597
To ask questions: 1(800)882-6597
To listen to information or order an application: 1(800)323-4400
- Homestead Rebate
Infoline: 1(888)238-1233
TTY Users: 1(800)286-6613